News — Humanistiska och teologiska studentkåren vid Lunds universitet

Published positions for election-FUM 1


President (1)

Vice president - Head of educational affairs (1)

Vice president - Head of student welfare matters (1)

Member of the board (5)

Novice admiral (1)

For the presidium, we are looking for you who wants to lead the union’s work forward. You know how to work independently, but also closely together with the other parts of the union’s organisation. You have visions about how to improve the union, but also understand the importance of everyday routine work. The three positions have much in common, but also individual areas of responsibility. As president or vice-president you will also work closely with the university and it is your task to represent the students of the union in those contexts.

For the board, we are looking for you who wants to work with the union’s organisation and want to run the daily operations next to your studies. We are looking for you who has insight in the union’s general operations, and who wants to gain more experience in union work. The board works with the presidents to execute the decisions from the union’s Representative Council.

For novice admiral, we are looking for someone who is interested in planning and organizing the unions novice activities in 23/24. As novice admiral, you have overall responsibility for planning, organizing mentors as well as responsibility for the budget of the novice period. 

If you want to know more about the positions, you can find the descriptions here. However, please note that these documents are currently only available in Swedish. If you need any assistance, please contact the nomination committee and we will translate for you. When the candidacy period has ended, the nomination committe will contact all the candidates and summon them for an interview.  


You candidate to the presidium by submitting a CV and a personal letter.

You candidate to the board by submitting a personal letter.

You candidate to the novice admiral by submitting a personal letter. 

You candidate by filling in this form as well as submitting necessary documents. The last day to candidate is 13 March. Incomplete candidatures will not be taken into consideration. When the candidacy period has ended, the nomination committe will contact all the candidates and summon them for an interview. 

Nominating someone else

You nominate someone else by sending an e-mail to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person you wish to nominate, which post you wish to nominate them to, their e-mail adress and a motivation to why you wish to nominate the person. Keep in mind that both the Nomination Committee and the nominee will need time to submit a candidacy, so don’t nominate at the last minute. After the Nominations Committee has received the nomination, they will contact the nominated person to inform them that they have been nominated. After that, the person must candidate themselves. Deadline is 8th of March. When the candidacy period has ended, the nomination committe will contact all the candidates and summon them for an interview.


Union election

The most important election of the year is approaching – the union election. All members of HTS are able to candidate and vote when it’s time to elect next years representative assembly (FUM). FUM works like the unions parliament, and they are the ones making the important decisions at the union.

Are you interested in becoming a member of FUM and influence the unions work for the next year, you can candidate between 1 – 12 of March. You can vote between 15 – 23 of March.

If you have any questions you can send an e-mail to


The Nomination Committee presents their nominations for SFS-FUM

The Nomination Committee presents their nominations for the position delegate to SFS-FUM 2023!

The Nomination Committee suggests:

·       Johanna Kaspersson for the delegate to SFS-FUM

·       Linnea Landegren for the delegate to SFS-FUM

·       Anton Skäppegård for the delegate to SFS-FUM

·       Nils Breding for the delegate to SFS-FUM

Read the minutes (including the nomination texts) here! If you would like to counter-candidate, send an e-mail to no later than the 22 januari


The Nomination Committee announces the positions for HTS delegate in SFS-FUM

HTS Nomination Committee hereby announces the positions for HTS delegate in SFS-FUM! Are you interested in representing HT-students in the national education policy? Candidate by sending an email to with a short explanation of why you are applying to the position, at the latest on 1st of January 2023. A description of the position is available in swedish Description of the positions of trust.

Do you know anyone who might be interested in the position? Nominate the person by sending an e-mail to with name and e-mail to the person you nominate and why they would be suitable for the position, before 30 December.

Do you have any questions? Please contact the Nomination Committee at or the Union President at


Nomination of the position of inspector

Today the Nomination Committee present their nomination for the position of inspector 2023 and 2024! Their protocol, including the motivation text, is available here(in Swedish).

The Representative Council will make their decision on the position on December 6th. If you have not been nominated, or forgot to apply but are still interested in the position, you can counter candidate starting November 22. You counter candidate by sending an email to not later than November 29th.


The Nomination Committee nominates:


Kristina Arnrup Thorsbro as inspector



Announced position for election of inspector for the years 2023 and 2024

Announced position for election of inspector for the years 2023 and 2024


The announced position is:

Inspector (1)


You can now apply for the position of inspector for the years 2023 and 2024. Apply to the position at the latest 8th of November. You apply by sending an email to with a short explanation of why you are applying to the position.


A description of the position can be found in the HTS regulations.


If there are questions, contact or


Nominations for 22/23

Today the Nomination Committee present their nominations for the positions of trust for the operational year 2022/2023! The protocol, including the motivation texts, is available here (in Swedish).

The Representative Assembly will make their decision on the positions on May 10th. If you have not been nominated, or forgot to apply but are still interested in one of the positions, you can send in a counter candidacy by email to no later than May 3rd at 12 pm.

The Nomination Committee suggests:

  • Simon Martinsson as Novice Admiral

  • Simon Martinsson as Head of the Election Committee

  • Lisa Öhrnell as member of the Election Committee

  • Leonard Björnsson as member of the Career Committee

  • April Bäckström as Head of the Language Café Committee

  • Elin Borén as Member of the Student Welfare Committee

  • Felix Lantz as Head of the Festivities Committee

  • April Bäckström as Moon Base

  • Hugo Ahlander as Team Leader

  • Sofie Meurling as Activities Master

  • Carl-Johan Mellin as member of The Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board

  • Anton Skäppegård as member of the Study Programmes Board

  • Emelie Olsson as member of the Study Programmes Board

  • Saber Malmgren as member of the Academic Appointments Board

  • Sonja Holmer as substitute of the Academic Appointments Board

The nominations committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

Chairperson of the Representative Assembly (1+1)

Secretary of the Representative Council(1+1)

Member of the Election Committee (4)

Member of the Educational Committee (8)

Member of the Student Welfare Committee (7)

Member of the Language CaféCommittee (8)

Head of the Career Committee (1)

Member of the Career Committee (7)

Member of the Festivities Committee (8)

Graphic designer (1)

Members of the Lunar Committee (5)

Game Master (1)

Members of the Constitutional Council (2)

Operations Auditor (1+1)

Financial Auditor (1)

the Board for Third-Cycle Studies (1)

Syllabus Reviewer (2)

LUS Moot (1+1)

LUS nomination committee (1+1)

The Head Board of AF (1+1)

the Scholarship Board of AF (2, humanities + theology representatives)

TRF Assembly (1+1)


Vacant positions from Val-FUM I

The Election Committee hereby advertises the vacant positions from Val-FUM 1 (Election Representative Assembly Meeting 1).

The positions not filled in the latest election are:

Member of the Board (4) 

You can now apply for these positions at HTS for the year of 22/23! Submit you candidacy before April 20th or nominate someone else latest April 18th. Descriptions of all positions of trust can be found (in Swedish) in HTS Reglemente and HTS Postbeskrivningar.

To apply for the position as Member of the Board, please send a personal letter describing yourself, why you would be a good fit for the Board as well as your visions for the Board to

If you have any questions, please contact or

You can nominate someone else by sending an e-mail to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person you wish to nominate, which post you wish to nominate them to, their e-mail adress and a motivation to why you wish to nominate the person.  After the Nominations Committee has received the nomination, they will contact the nominated person to inform them that they have been nominated. After that, the person must candidate themselves. The last day to nominate someone is April 18th.

Best wishes,

HTS Nomination Committee


Announced positions for election-FUM 2

The Nomination Committee herby announces the positions of trust for the year 2022/2023. The last day to submit your candidacy is 8 April.

To apply for any of the positions you fill in the form here.

If you are applying to the head of the Nomination Committee or to be a member of the Nomination Committee you send your candidacy directly to


Internal positions within HTS

Chairperson of the Representative Council (1+1)

Secretary of the Representative Council (1+1)

Head of the Election Committee (1)

Members of the Election Committee (5)

Members of the Educational Affairs Committee (8)

Members of the Student Welfare Committee (8)

Head of Café Multilingua (1)

Members of the Café Multilingua Committee (8)

Head of the Career Committee (1)

Members of the Career Committee (8)

Head of Festivitites (1)

Members of the Festivities Committee (8)

Graphic Designer (1)

Novice amiral (1)

Head of Lunar Affairs (1)

Members of the Lunar Committee (5)

Members of the Constitution Council (4)

Operations Auditor (1+1)

Financial Auditor (1)

Positions as a student representative on the faculty level

The Faculty Board and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology (2)

The Study Programmes Board (3)

The Board for Research Programmes (1)

Syllabus Reviewer (2)

The Academic Appointments Board (1+1)

Positions within collaborations

Lunds universitets studentkårer (LUS)

LUS Moot (1+1)

LUS Nominations Committee (1+1)

The Academic Society (AF)

The Head Board of AF (1+1)

The Scholarship Board of AF (2, humanities + theology)

Terminsräkningsföreningen (TRF)

TRF Assembly (1+1)

You will find a description of the positions at our website, both in the regulations and in the descriptions of the positions of trust here.

Do you know someone who would be a good fit for any of the positions? To nominate someone for a position you send an email to The email should include the name of the person you wish to nominate, which position you want to nominate them for, an email adress to the person and a motivation of why you wish to nominate them. Incomplete nominations will not be handled. After the nomination the nomination committee will contact the person who has been nominated. The last day to nominate is 5 April.

When the candidacy period is over, the nomination committee will contact all the candidates for the Union's leading and paid positions and summon them for an interview.

If you have any questions you can contact the nomination committee at


Nominations of the Presidium and Union Board 22/23

Today the Nomination Committee present their nominations for the positions in the Presidium and the Board for the operational year 2022/2023! The protocol, including the motivation texts, is available here (in Swedish).

The Representative Assembly will make their decision on the positions on April 12th. If you have not been nominated, or forgot to apply but are still interested in one of the positions, you can send in a counter candidacy by email to no later than April 5th.

The Nomination Committee nominates:

  • Linnea Landegren as President

  • Johanna Kaspersson as Vice president, head of educational affairs

  • Lotta Flink as Vice president, head of student welfare matters

  • Marit Jongepier as Member of the Board

  • Alicia Wessman as Member of the Board

  • Lova Andersson as Member of the Board

  • Anton Skäppegård as Member of the Board


The nomination committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

Member of the Board (1) 


The Nomination Committee announces the positions in the Presidium and the Board 22/23

The Nomination Committee herby announces the positions of trust in the presidium and board for the year 2022/2023. The last day to submit your candidacy is 11 March.

To apply for any of the positions you fill in the form.

You will find a description of the positions in the regulations and the description of the positions of trust as well as the nomination committee's profiles of requirements here.

Do you know someone who would be a good fit for any of the positions? To nominate someone for a position you send an email to The email should include the name of the person you wish to nominate, which position you want to nominate them for, an email adress to the person and a motivation of why you wish to nominate them. Incomplete nominations will not be handled. After the nomination the nomination committee will contact the person who has been nominated. The last day to nominate is 8 March.

When the candidacy period is over, the nomination committee will contact all the candidates and summon them for an interview.

If you have any questions you can contact the nomination committee at


The Nomination Committee presents their nominations for SFS-FUM

The Nomination Committee presents their nominations for the position delegate to SFS-FUM 2022!

The Nomination Committee suggests:

  • Carl-Johan Mellin for the delegate to SFS-FUM

  • Emelie Olsson for the delegate to SFS-FUM

  • vacancy for the the remaining posts as delegate to SFS-FUM (2)

Read the minutes (including the nomination texts) at! If you would like to counter-candidate, send an e-mail to no later than the 8th of december.


The Nomination Committee announces the positions for HTS delegate in SFS-FUM

HTS Nomination Committee hereby announces the positions for HTS delegate in SFS-FUM! Are you interested in representing HT-students in the national education policy? Send your application through this form before the 26 November: 

Do you know anyone who might be interested in the position? Nominate the person by sending an e-mail to with name and e-mail to the person you nominate and why they would be suitable to the position, before 24 November.

Do you have any questions? Please contact the Nomination Committee at or the Union President at


The Nominations Committee present their nominations for RA meeting II

The Nomination Committee presents their nominations before the representative assembly meeting 2 on the 14th of October.

The Nomination Committee suggests:

  • Leonard Björnsson for the Career Committee

  • Lisa Öhrnell for the Career Committee

  • vacancy for the the remaining posts in the Career Committee (4)

You can find the full minutes for the Nominations Committee here. You can send in your counter-candidacy by sending an email to no later than the 6th of October.

You can also run for our other vacant positions of trust. The following positions has vacancies:

Board member (1 vacancy)

Member of the Committee of Café Multilingua (5)

Member of the Lunar Committee (2)

Member of the Committee of Educational Affairs (5)

Member of the Student Welfare Committee (5)

Member of the Electoral Committee (4)

Member of the Nomination Committee (2)

Vice-chairperson of the Representative Assembly (1)

Vice-secretary of the Representative Assembly (1)

Representative in LUS Nomination Committee (1)

Substitute student representative of the Teacher Proposal Board (1)

Substitute Operations Auditor (1)

Candidacies to the position of board member are sent to the Nomination Committee at with a personal letter. Counter-candidacies for the other positions are sent to the Union President,, no later than the 6th of October, to be held at the representative assembly meeting on the 14th of October.


Run for vacant positions

You do know that it is possible to apply for vacant (empty) positions of trust within HTS' organization?

Vacant positions:

Board member (1)

Student representative on the Board for Third-Cycle studies (1)

Member of the Electoral Committee (4)

Member of the Nomination Committee (4)

Member of the Career Committee (8)

Member of the Committee of Educational Affairs (5)

Member of the Student Welfare Committee (6)

Member of the Festivities Committee (7)

Member of the Lunar Committee (4)

Member of the Committee of Café Multilingua (8)

Student representative on the Teacher Proposal Board (1)

Vice-Chairperson of the Representative Assembly (1)

Vice-Secretary of the Representative Assembly (1)

Substitute student representative of the Teacher Proposal Board (1)

Substitute Operations Auditor (1)

In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to prepare the elections for the 2nd representative assembly meeting, candidacies have to be submitted to the Nomination Committee no later than the 22nd September. You run for a position by emailing the Nomination Committee at with a brief description of why you are applying for the position. For candidacies to the Union Board, please attach a personal letter.

It is possible to send in a counter-candidacy against vacancies directly to the Representative Assembly or to be free-nominated by a member of the Assembly at the meeting for most positions (except of the Board). The next assembly meeting will be held on 21st of September and counter-candidacies must be received by the Union president no later than 13th of September to be discussed at that assembly meeting.

Do you know anyone who would be suitable for a post? Please nominate the person. Nominations are sent to with the name and e-mail adress of the nominee and the position you want to nominate the person to.

To learn more about the different positions of trust, check out our Regulations and Descriptions of the Positions of Trust here: (unfortunately only in Swedish at the moment)

Do you have any questions? Contact the Nomination Committee at or the Union President, Carl-Johan Mellin, at


Nominations for 21/22

The Nomination Committees nomination for the positions of trust 2021/2022

Today the nomination committee presents their nominations for the positions of trust 2021/2022. The entire protocol, including the nomination texts, can be found (in Swedish) here.

If you weren’t nominated, or forgot to apply but still want to candidate for one of the positions, you can still be elected by counter candidating. You can counter candidate for both positions where someone else has been nominated, or for position where no one else has been nominated. You do this by sending an email to no later than 6th of May 2021. The decision will be made on the elective representative assembly on the 17th of May 2021.

The nomination committee nominates:

Katarina Davidsson to Member of the Board

Linnea Landegren to Member of the Board

Saga Cornelius to Chairperson of the Representative Council

Elisabeth Jensen Haverling to Secretary of the Representative Council

Alicia Wessman to Novice Admiral

Anton Skäppegård to Head of the Election Committee

Simon Martinsson to Member of the Election Committee

Lotta Flink to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Fanny Gottfridsson to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Lisa Öhrnell to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Sofie Gustafsson to Member of the Student Welfare Committee

Lotta Flink to Member of the Student Welfare Committee

Johanna Kaspersson to Head of Café Multilingua

Sofie Gustafsson to Head of Festivities

Simon Martinsson to Member of the Festivities Committee

Linnea Landegren to Head of the Career Committee

Katarina Davidsson to Graphic Designer

Lova Andersson to Head of Lunar Affairs

Marit Jongepier to Lunar Committee

Anton Skäppegård to Game Master

Andreas Aronsson to Team Leader

Alfons Nordlund to Activities Master

Axel Lindberg to the Constitution Council

Josefin Malmberg to the Constitution Council

Amanda Bjernestedt to Operations Auditor

Mattias Kristensson to Financial Auditor

Linnea Karlsson to The Faculty Board and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology

Elsa Crona to the Educational Council

Anton Skäppegård to the Educational Council

Axel Lindberg to Syllabus Reviewer

  • Congratulations to all nominated!

  • The nominations committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

  • Members of the Board (2)

  • Chairperson of the Representative Council (0+1)

  • Secretary of the Representative Council (0+1)

  • Members of the Election Committee (4)

  • Members of the Educational Affairs Committee (5)

  • Members of the Student Welfare Committee (6)

  • Members of the Festivities Committee (7)

  • Lunar Committee (4)

  • Members of the Café Multilingua Committee (8)

  • Members of the Career Committee (8)

  • The Research Council (1)

  • Syllabus Reviewer (1)

  • The Academic Appointments Board (1+1)

  • LUS Moot (1+1)

  • LUS Nomination Committee (1+1)

  • Head Board of AF (1+1)

  • Scholarship Board of AF (2, representative of humanities + representative of theology)

  • Delegates to SFS (4)

  • TRF Assembly (1+1)


Vacant positions from Val-FUM I

The Election Committee hereby advertises the vacant positions from Val-FUM 1 (Election Representative Council Meeting 1).

The positions not filled in the latest election are:

Member of the Board (4) 

You can now apply for these positions at HTS for the year of 21/22! Apply yourself before April 24th or nominate someone else latest April 22nd. Descriptions of all positions of trust can be found (in Swedish) in HTS Reglemente and HTS Postbeskrivningar.

To apply for the position as Member of the Board, please send a personal letter describing yourself, why you would be a good fit for the Board as well as your visions for the Board to

If you have any questions, please contact or

You can nominate someone else by sending an e-mail to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person you wish to nominate, which post you wish to nominate them to, their e-mail adress and a motivation to why you wish to nominate the person.  After the Nominations Committee has received the nomination, they will contact the nominated person to inform them that they have been nominated. After that, the person must candidate themselves. The last day to nominate someone is April 22nd.

Dear regards,

HTS Valberedning


Published positions for election-FUM 2

You can now apply for HTS positions of trust for the year of 21/22! Apply yourself before April 19th or nominate someone else before April 16th. Descriptions of all positions of trust can be found (in Swedish) in HTS Reglemente and HTS Postbeskrivningar.

Click here to apply!

You can nominate someone else by sending an e-mail to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person you wish to nominate, which post you wish to nominate them to, their e-mail adress and a motivation to why you wish to nominate the person.  After the Nominations Committee has received the nomination, they will contact the nominated person to inform them that they have been nominated. After that, the person must candidate themselves. The last day to nominate someone is April 16th, but remember that the person you’re nominating also must have time to candidate.

Do you want to apply to the Nomination Committee?

If you want to apply as Head or as a Member of the Nomination Committee, you send an email to before May 6th. This errand will be brought up at the second Electoral Council Meeting.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact!

You can apply for the following positions:

Internal positions within HTS

Chairperson of the Representative Council (1+1)

Secretary of the Representative Council (1+1)

Head of the Election Committee (1)

Members of the Election Committee (5)

Members of the Educational Affairs Committee (8)

Members of the Student Welfare Committee (8)

Head of Café Multilingua (1)

Members of the Café Multilingua Committee (8)

Head of the Career Committee (1)

Members of the Career Committee (8)

Head of Festivitites (1)

Members of the Festivities Committee (8)

Graphic Designer (1)

Novice amiral (1)

Head of Lunar Affairs (1)

Members of the Lunar Committee (5)

Members of the Constitution Council (4)

Operations Auditor (1+1)

Financial Auditor (1)

Positions as a student representative on the faculty level

The Faculty Board and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology (2)

The Study Programmes Board (3)

The Board for Research Programmes (1)

Syllabus Reviewer (2)

The Academic Appointments Board (1+1)

Positions within collaborations

Lunds universitets studentkårer (LUS)

LUS Moot (1+1)

LUS Nominations Committee (1+1)

The Academic Society (AF)

The Head Board of AF (1+1)

The Scholarship Board of AF (2, humanities + theology)

Terminsräkningsföreningen (TRF)

TRF Assembly (1+1)


Nominations of the presidium and union board 21/22

Today the Nomination Committee present their nominations for the positions in the Presidium and the Board for the operational year 2021/2022! Their protocol, including the motivation texts, is available here (in Swedish).

The Representative Council will make their decision on the positions on April 15th. If you have not been nominated, or forgot to apply but are still interested in one of the positions, you can counter candidate starting April 1st. You counter candidate by sending an email to not later than April 6th.

The Nomination Committee nominates:

  • Carl-Johan Mellin as President

  • Emelie Olsson as Vice president, head of educational affairs

  • Nora Karlsson as Vice president, head of student welfare

  • Lotta Flink as Member of the Board


The nomination committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

Member of the Board (4) 
