Election of the
Representative Assembly 25/26
For information in Swedish, click here!
The election of the Representative Assembly 23/24 has finally begun.
You can read more about the candidates here.
You can vote on the candidates from the 19th of March until the 27th of March.
The outcome of the election will be published on the 28th of March. To celebrate, we will hold the traditional cake party!
What kind of position is it that you really run for, and what does the elected assembly do? You can find a FaQ about the Representative Assembly down below! If you have any other questions feel free to send an email to ordf@hts.lu.se or valnamnden@hts.lu.se.
What is the Representative Assembly?
The Representative Assembly is responsible for the Union’s strategic work and economy, approve the regulatory documents and is the highest decision making body of the Union. Besides this, the Representative Assembly elect the representatives for the Union’s positions of trust. The Representative Assembly usually has one meeting per month.
How am I as a student affected by the assembly’s work?
Even though the questions that the Representative Assembly work with might sound a bit advanced, they are usually quite distinct assignments. Questions that might be discussed within the Assembly are for example how to make the novice orientation better, how to ensure the quality of the education, how our social events are supposed to be held and much more that affects all HT-students.
Can I join the Representative Assembly?
Yes! All members of HTS can join the Representative Assembly. The assembly needs members that find it entertaining to discuss questions at an organizational level, find it important with democracy and wants to influence and be a part of important decisions. You don’t have to be an expert on either HTS or organisations - as long as you are eager to learn!
How does it work if I decide to run for a position?
You can run for a position between March 3rd and March 16th. After that the election starts, in which all HTS members are allowed to vote on their favored candidate. 15 full members and 6 substitutes will be chosen.
The members that were chosen will then be summoned to a meeting once a month during the following year. The meetings are held during the evening and are around three hours long. During the meeting the members will receive dinner. As an active member in the Union, you will also get the chance to enjoy social events such as “thank you sittnings” and a trip!
Why should I run for a position in the Representative Assembly?
Because it is fun to discuss and make the decisions in questions regarding the Unions operations.
Because you will get the chance to speak out about questions that regard you as a student at the HT-faculties.
Because it is a good experience of democratic organizational work that will look good on your CV.
Because you will receive dinner, social events and the chance to meet new, great people!
Because the time for your studies will become so much more fun if you engage in it!
The Representative Assembly 23/24
The Representative Assembly 24/25