Nominations for 21/22

The Nomination Committees nomination for the positions of trust 2021/2022

Today the nomination committee presents their nominations for the positions of trust 2021/2022. The entire protocol, including the nomination texts, can be found (in Swedish) here.

If you weren’t nominated, or forgot to apply but still want to candidate for one of the positions, you can still be elected by counter candidating. You can counter candidate for both positions where someone else has been nominated, or for position where no one else has been nominated. You do this by sending an email to no later than 6th of May 2021. The decision will be made on the elective representative assembly on the 17th of May 2021.

The nomination committee nominates:

Katarina Davidsson to Member of the Board

Linnea Landegren to Member of the Board

Saga Cornelius to Chairperson of the Representative Council

Elisabeth Jensen Haverling to Secretary of the Representative Council

Alicia Wessman to Novice Admiral

Anton Skäppegård to Head of the Election Committee

Simon Martinsson to Member of the Election Committee

Lotta Flink to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Fanny Gottfridsson to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Lisa Öhrnell to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Sofie Gustafsson to Member of the Student Welfare Committee

Lotta Flink to Member of the Student Welfare Committee

Johanna Kaspersson to Head of Café Multilingua

Sofie Gustafsson to Head of Festivities

Simon Martinsson to Member of the Festivities Committee

Linnea Landegren to Head of the Career Committee

Katarina Davidsson to Graphic Designer

Lova Andersson to Head of Lunar Affairs

Marit Jongepier to Lunar Committee

Anton Skäppegård to Game Master

Andreas Aronsson to Team Leader

Alfons Nordlund to Activities Master

Axel Lindberg to the Constitution Council

Josefin Malmberg to the Constitution Council

Amanda Bjernestedt to Operations Auditor

Mattias Kristensson to Financial Auditor

Linnea Karlsson to The Faculty Board and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology

Elsa Crona to the Educational Council

Anton Skäppegård to the Educational Council

Axel Lindberg to Syllabus Reviewer

  • Congratulations to all nominated!

  • The nominations committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

  • Members of the Board (2)

  • Chairperson of the Representative Council (0+1)

  • Secretary of the Representative Council (0+1)

  • Members of the Election Committee (4)

  • Members of the Educational Affairs Committee (5)

  • Members of the Student Welfare Committee (6)

  • Members of the Festivities Committee (7)

  • Lunar Committee (4)

  • Members of the Café Multilingua Committee (8)

  • Members of the Career Committee (8)

  • The Research Council (1)

  • Syllabus Reviewer (1)

  • The Academic Appointments Board (1+1)

  • LUS Moot (1+1)

  • LUS Nomination Committee (1+1)

  • Head Board of AF (1+1)

  • Scholarship Board of AF (2, representative of humanities + representative of theology)

  • Delegates to SFS (4)

  • TRF Assembly (1+1)