The Lunar Committee
The Lunar Festivities is a tribute to the land that HTS owns on the moon. Yes, you read it correctly.
Few know how or when the Lunar Festivities started, but it is rumoured that is has been around for as long as humanities and theology students have been around at HTS. Once upon a time, there were a bunch of lunar fanatics that bought land on the moon with the approximately area of Lund.
The Lunar Festivities is forever changing, with each Lunar Committee adding new traditions and ideas. The only constant is the wish of one day being able to build student housing on the moon, and once and for all end the housing shortage for our students. Until then, there will be a feast each winter in tribute to the moon!
The Lunar Committee 23/24
Elisabeth Roos Lindell
Moon Base
Julius Johannsson
Isa Stepp
Smilla Brenna-Lund Bergström
Ylvali Melander
Malva Fehre
Elvira Krdzic
The Lunar Festivites, the 15th of February 2020
Pelarsalen, the University Main Building
Photographs by Nadja Gyllensköld