Published positions for election-FUM 2

You can now apply for HTS positions of trust for the year of 21/22! Apply yourself before April 19th or nominate someone else before April 16th. Descriptions of all positions of trust can be found (in Swedish) in HTS Reglemente and HTS Postbeskrivningar.

Click here to apply!

You can nominate someone else by sending an e-mail to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person you wish to nominate, which post you wish to nominate them to, their e-mail adress and a motivation to why you wish to nominate the person.  After the Nominations Committee has received the nomination, they will contact the nominated person to inform them that they have been nominated. After that, the person must candidate themselves. The last day to nominate someone is April 16th, but remember that the person you’re nominating also must have time to candidate.

Do you want to apply to the Nomination Committee?

If you want to apply as Head or as a Member of the Nomination Committee, you send an email to before May 6th. This errand will be brought up at the second Electoral Council Meeting.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact!

You can apply for the following positions:

Internal positions within HTS

Chairperson of the Representative Council (1+1)

Secretary of the Representative Council (1+1)

Head of the Election Committee (1)

Members of the Election Committee (5)

Members of the Educational Affairs Committee (8)

Members of the Student Welfare Committee (8)

Head of Café Multilingua (1)

Members of the Café Multilingua Committee (8)

Head of the Career Committee (1)

Members of the Career Committee (8)

Head of Festivitites (1)

Members of the Festivities Committee (8)

Graphic Designer (1)

Novice amiral (1)

Head of Lunar Affairs (1)

Members of the Lunar Committee (5)

Members of the Constitution Council (4)

Operations Auditor (1+1)

Financial Auditor (1)

Positions as a student representative on the faculty level

The Faculty Board and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology (2)

The Study Programmes Board (3)

The Board for Research Programmes (1)

Syllabus Reviewer (2)

The Academic Appointments Board (1+1)

Positions within collaborations

Lunds universitets studentkårer (LUS)

LUS Moot (1+1)

LUS Nominations Committee (1+1)

The Academic Society (AF)

The Head Board of AF (1+1)

The Scholarship Board of AF (2, humanities + theology)

Terminsräkningsföreningen (TRF)

TRF Assembly (1+1)