For Student Representatives
On this page you can find information and documents which may help you and your support you as a student representative. Here you can find the Student Right list and other steer documents that can be good to know about, as well as some guides and tips that can help you out. If you have any questions you can send them to
OBS unfortunately all files, except the student rights list, are in Swedish. If you would like a summary in english, please contact
List of Rights - Lund University Students' Rights and Responsibilities
The List of Rights one of the most important documents for you as a student representative. Here the students rights are listed, regarding for example schedules, examination and essay writing. You can read what the University says about the List of Rights if you click on the button down below.
Steering documents for first cycle education
Here you can find the documents that control the first cycle education on the HT faculties. The documents touches upon the subjects on syllabus, literature list and exams.
Steering documents AT LUND UNIVERSITY
Here you can find the steering documents for Lund University. The university-broad documents are quit general than the ones at HT-faculties, but it can be good to know that they exist. The steering documents are divided into education and student, links to both can be found down below.
LUS handbook for student representatives: Here is a handbook that Lund University Student Unions have created, which is great to read through if you are active on a university central level.
Act guide: a guide that was created by the association “Vi unga” (Us young people) where you can read about how to work against power structures within organisations. On page 28 and forward are tips on how to find, and work against, ruler techniques.
Democracy handbook: a handbook created by “Arvsfonden” (The heritage fund) to support organisations to develop their democratic work.