Valberedningen presenterar sin nominering för posten som Ombud till SFS-FUM. Läs protokollet (inklusive valberedningens nomineringstext) här.
Om du önskar att motkandidera, mejlar du till kårordförande på med en text om hur du passar på posten och varför du istället borde bli vald. Detta görs senast 9 februari 2021. Beslut fattas på FUM VI den 16 februari 2021.
The nomination committee present their nomination for the SFS-FUM representative. Read the protocol (as well as the nominations) here. (Only in swedish! If you have any questions regarding the protocol, send an email to
If you wish to counter-candidate, send an email to the union president at with an explanation as why you should be elected instead. Do this before the ninth of February 2021. The election is held at FUM VI the 16th of February 2021.