Published positions for election-FUM 2

You can now apply to HTS’ positions of trust for the operational year 24/25. Apply by the first of April or nominate someone else by the 31st of March. You can find out more about what the positions of trust entail, in the regulations and in the descriptions of the positions of trust. Please note that the Vice Novice Admiral, the Internal Events Committee and the Council for Pedagogical Merits are newly created.The first two have obligations described in the regulations, but are not yet in the descriptions of the positions of trust. If you have any questions about the positions of trust of the Vice Novice Admiral, the Internal Events Committee or the Council for Pedagogical Merits, please e-mail

You can apply by filling in this form!

You can nominate someone else by sending an email to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person and the position of trust you would like to nominate the person for, as well as the reason why you’d like to nominate the person in question. Incomplete nominations will not be processed. After we have received the nomination, the election committee will contact the nominated person that they have been nominated. This person will have to apply for the position of trust themselves by filling in the form. The deadline for sending in nominations to the election committee is the 31st of March, but please keep in mind that the nominated person also needs some time to apply!

Would you like to apply for the nomination committee? 

If you’d like to become the head of the nomination committee or one of the members, you can email your application directly to by May 2nd the latest.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the nomination committee at!

you can apply to the following positions of trust:

Internal positions within HTS

Chair Person of the (Union) Representative Assembly(1)

Vice Chair Person of the (Union) Representative Assembly(1)

Secretary of the (Union) Representative Assembly (1)

Vice Secretary of the (Union) Representative Assembly(1)

Vice Novice Admiral (1)

Head of the Nomination Committee (1)

Members of the Nomination Committee (5)

Head of the Electoral Committee  (1)

Members of the Electoral Committee (5)

Head of the Career Comittee (1)

Member of the Career Committee (8)

Head of the Committee of Café Multilingua(1)

Member of the Committee of Café Multilingua (8)

Members of the Comittee of Educational Affairs (8)

Members of the Student Welfare Committee  (8)

Head of the Festivities Committee (1)

Members of the Festivities Committee (8)

Head of the Internal Events Committee (1)

Members of the Internal Events Committee (8)

Members of the Constitutional Council (4) ( the mandate period is two operational years, two members get elected for every new operational year.)

Operations Auditor (1)

Substitue Operations Auditor(1)

Financial Auditor (1)

Head of the Lunar Committee (1)

Members of the Lunar Committee (5)

Game Master (1)

Team Leader (1)

Activities Master (1)

Graphic Designer (1)

Positions as a student representative on the faculty level

Member of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology (1)

Members of the Working Committee of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology (1)

Member of the Council for Pedagogical Merits (1)

Members of the Study Programmes Board (2)

Member of the Board for Third-cycle Studies (1)

member of the Academic Appointments Board (1)

Substitute Member of the Academic Appointments Board(1)

Syllabus Reviewer (2)

Positions within collaborations

Lunds universitets studentkårer (LUS)

Member of LUS Moot (1)

Substitute Member of LUS Moot (1)

Member of LUS Nomination Committee (1)

Substitute Member of  LUS Nomination Committee (1)

Academic Society (AF)

Member of the Head Board of Academic Society (1)

Substitute member of the Head Board of Academic Society(1)

the Scholarship Board of Academic Society (2) (one member to represent humanities and one to represent theology)

Terminsräkningsföreningen (TRF)

TRF assembly (1)

Substitute TRF assembly  (1)