Today the nomination committee presents their nominations for the positions of trust 2023/2024

Today the nomination committee presents their nominations for the positions of trust 2023/2024. The entire protocol, including the nomination texts, can be found (in Swedish) here

If you weren’t nominated, or forgot to apply but still want to candidate for one of the positions, you can still be elected by counter candidating. You can counter candidate for both positions where someone else has been nominated, or for position where no one else has been nominated. You do this by sending an email to no later than 28th of april 2023. The decision will be made on the elective representative assembly on the 9th of May 2023.

The nomination committee nominates:

Lotta Flink to Chairperson of the Representative Council

Simon Martinsson to Vice Chairperson of the Representative Council

Johanna Kaspersson to Secretary of the Representative Council

Lisa Öhrnell to Head of the Election Committee

Ida Fagerhus to Member of the Election Committee

Maite Berglund to Member of the Career Committee

Evelina Lindroos to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Ida Fagerhus to Member of the Educational Affairs Committee

Sunny Yahyapour to Head of Festivities 

Ari Mawati to Member of the Festivities Committee

Alva Gunnarsson to Member of the Festivities Committee

Isabella Malmqvist to Member of the Festivities Committee

Elisabeth Roos Lindell to Member of the Festivities Committee

Emma Börjesson to Member of the Festivities Committee

Martin Johnte to Member of the Festivities Committee

Matilda Johannesson to Member of the Festivities Committee

Tess Fredriksson to Member of the Festivities Committee

Emil Bäckman to Graphic Designer

Isa Stepp to Lunar Committee

Julius Johansson to Lunar Committee

Smilla Brenna-Lund to Lunar Committee

Emma Svensson to Operations Auditor

Johanna Kaspersson to The Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology

Nils Breding to the Educational Council

Marit Jongepier to Syllabus Reviewer

Johanna Kaspersson to Syllabus Reviewer

Congratulations to all nominated!

The nominations committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

Secretary of the Representative Council (0+1)

Members of the Election Committee (4)

Members of the Educational Affairs Committee (6)

Members of the Student Welfare Committee (8)

Members of the Constitution Council (2)

Operations Auditor (0+1)

Financial Auditor (1)

Head of Lunar Affairs (1)

Lunar Committee (2)

Head of Café Multilingua (1)

Members of the Café Multilingua Committee (8)

Head of the Career Committee(1)

Members of the Career Committee (8)

Game Master (1)

Team Leader (1)

Activities Master (1)

The Research Council (1)

The Education Council (1)

The Working Committee of the Faculty Board (1)

The Academic Appointments Board (1+1)

LUS Moot (1+1)

LUS Nomination Committee (1+1)

Head Board of AF (1+1)

Scholarship Board of AF (2, representative of humanities

+ representative of theology)

Delegates to SFS (4)

TRF Assembly (1+1)