Published positions for election-FUM 1

You can now candidate to the presidium and the board for the year 2020/2021!

President (1)

Vice president - Head of educational affairs (1)

Vice president - Head of student welfare matters (1)

Member of the board (5)

For the presidium, we are looking for you who wants to lead the union’s work forward. You know how to work independently, but also closely together with the other parts of the union’s organisation. You have visions about how to improve the union, but also understand the importance of everyday routine work. The three positions have much in common, but also individual areas of responsibility. As president or vice-president you will also work closely with the university and it is your task to represent the students of the union in those contexts.
For the board, we are looking for you who wants to work with the union’s organisation and want to run the daily operations next to your studies. We are looking for you who has insight in the union’s general operations, and who wants to gain more experience in union work. The board works with the presidents to execute the decisions from the union’s Representative Council.

If you want to know more about the positions, you can find the descriptions here. However, please note that these documents are currently only available in Swedish. If you need any assistance, please contact the nomination committee and we will translate for you.


You candidate to the presidium by submitting a CV and a personal letter.

You candidate to the board by submitting a personal letter.

Send your letter to no later than the 22nd of March. Specify what post you are applying for in the subject line. Incomplete candidatures will not be taken into consideration.

Nominating someone else

You nominate someone else by sending an e-mail to The e-mail needs to contain the name of the person you wish to nominate, which post you wish to nominate them to, their e-mail adress and a motivation to why you wish to nominate the person. Keep in mind that both the Nomination Committee and the nominee will need time to submit a candidacy, so don’t nominate at the last minute. After the Nominations Committee has received the nomination, they will contact the nominated person to inform them that they have been nominated. After that, the person must candidate themselves. Deadline is 18th of March.