The Union’s Operations
HTS has something for everybody! We have a lot of activities where you can create fun new projects, develop the Union’s internal activities or in some way reach out to our 4000 students. Enjoy the activities as a visitor, or contribute by getting involved! Here are some of our committees and activities. If you have any questions, contact!
The Educational Affairs Committee (UU in Swedish)
The Educational Affairs Committee works with projects about education, which can be about anything from how much teacher-led time the faculties offer the students to how literature lists are handled at the faculties.
The Student Welfare Committee (STUDS in Swedish)
The Student Welfare Committee works with projects about the students’ physical and psychosocial work environment.
The Language Café Committee - Café Multilingua
Our language café, Café Multilingua, is a meeting place for everyone who wants to improve their language skills. Café Multilingua meet up every Wednesday at Absalon, SOL from 5 pm to 7 pm.
The Festivities Committee
The Festivities Committee arranges parties, sittnings, outdoors activities, craft nights and a lot of other fun events. The Festivities Committee also helps the other parts of the Union with arranging fun activities.
The Career Committee (AMU in Swedish)
The Career Committee is the Unions newest committee and works with labour market matters for humanities and theology students. The Career Committee provides local resources and promotes better labour market opportunities for students at the HT-faculties.
Board game nights
The Union has a large collection of board games, and every other Sunday (uneven weeks), our game master invites all our members to play games and have fika. It’s a great opportunity to play board games with your friends, or to find new friends that also enjoy a good game of Bezzerwizzer.
HTS BK is the Union’s sports team and is led by the Team Leader together with the Activities Master. All members of HTS are welcome to join the team to play different sports, exercise and, sometimes, participate in tournaments against other unions!
The Activities master
The Activities master is responsible for activities of a playful character. It can be everything from outdoor activities like a tournament of “brännboll” or indoors like a quiz night. All members of the union are welcome to participate in the activities.
The Novice Orientation
The Union invites all new students at the beginning of each semester to a Novice Orientation. We want all new students to feel welcome in Lund! During the week you will get to know the Union, meet new students and become best friends with Lund. More information will be provided at the beginning of the semester.
Student Councils activities
Lunära Högtiden (The Lunar Festivities)
Each winter the Lunar Committee hosts a wonderful feast for all students of humanities and theology in honor to the moon. HTS owns land on the moon, which we celebrate through this feast.
The Student Councils monitor the education at a local level and they usually has one meeting per month. Except that, they can also arrange other activities for their members and students at their institution.