It was once said that the memory of union is short and it is therefore very important to keep minutes correctly at all meetings and alike, to enable for all future active members to check and follow up what was done, said decided!
The protocols are unfortunately only in Swedish. If you have any questions regarding any decisions, certain meeting or protocols in general,
please send an email to
The Representative Council is the Unions highest decision making operations. Strategical decisions are made by the council, as well
as choosing all positions of trust within the union.
The Union Board consists of the presidium and five members which have been chosen by the representative council. They make decisions regarding the unions daily operations, economical decisions and works as a flexible group that will do the work that is needed at the moment.
Two of the unions committees are the Student Welfare Committee and the Educational Affairs Committee. The committees work with projects regarding Student Welfare and Educational Affairs on a faculty level.
The Nomination Committee nominates candidates to the different positions of trust, to make the representative councils work easier
and to make the election process more democratic.
The Career Committee works to secure the careers of humanity and theology students.