Congratulations to the admission, and welcome to HTS!
How great that you have decided to study in Lund!
Here at the Student Union for Humanities and Theology we represent all students who study some of the subjects within humanity and theology. The Union works with monitoring your education to strengthen your rights as a student and to give the student perspective on the education to the University. We also host social events to create a place to find friends outside of the lectures. We have a lot going on at the Union and we hope that you can find a piece that interests you!
To give new students who study humanity and theology a great start to the student life in Lund, HTS arranges a Novice Orientation at the start of each semester. More information about the Novice Orientation can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to
To join HTS you have to become a member of Studentlund. Studentlund is a cooperation between the Nations and Unions in Lund, as well as the Academic Society (AF). A membership in Studentlund gives you access to the great part of Lund’s student life. You can access the different events of most Nations, go to spex, sing in choirs, eat lunch at the Nations, join AF Bostäder (student housing), join the Union and more to it! More information about Studentlund can be found at
Student housing
To find student housing in Lund is not always the easiest, but have some tips and tricks to help you out:
When you admission letters arrive, join Studentlund and join the AF Bostäder housing queue. AF Student housing helps around 6000 students in Lund with housing. They usually have a novice-priority in the beginning of the semester.
Ask your Nation about housing. The Nations usually raffle housing for the Novices. Most of the Nations also have a housing queue that you can join. How to join the housing queue is different at every Nation, so ask your Nation how to proceed.
Look around at They provide housing that can be subletted. is created by Lund University Student Union Association (LUS). You can put up ads and answer other peoples ads on the website. There is also information about leases and laws that regulates subletting, as well as guidance for both the people looking for a place to stay and the subletters.
Turn to different foundations. Lund have a number of foundations that provide students with housing.
Ask around and see if you can stay at a friends couch the first weeks. It is usually a bit calmer a few weeks into the semester, and much easier to find housing when you can meet up with the landlord. It usually comes out great for most people.
Look outside Lund. There are many cities and smaller towns within commuting distance. Skåne is not that big and it is usually quite easy to commute. The rent is usually cheaper outside of Lund and it is easier to find housing in the beginning of the semester.
After you have found a housing, there is a possibility to apply for housing allowance from Försäkringskassan. The allowance can be great to having a few extra coins put away each month, but be careful with the terms. If you earn to much by the side, you might have to pay it back. You must be registered in Sweden and on the adress to receive housing allowance.
REMEMBER! There are unfortunately people who try to take advantage of the some times hard housing situation. At there are lists with names of the swindlers and tips on how to not be cheated.