Nominations of the Presidium, Union Board and Novice Admiral 23/24

Nominations of the Presidium, Union Board and Novice Admiral 23/24

Today the Nomination Committee present their nominations for the positions in the Presidium and the Board for the operational year 2023/2024! The protocol, including the motivation texts, is available here (in Swedish).

The Representative Assembly will make their decision on the positions on April 13th. If you have not been nominated, or forgot to apply but are still interested in one of the positions, you can send in a counter candidacy by email to no later than April 3th.

The Nomination Committee nominates:

  • Mia Huovilainen as President

  • Anton Skäppegård as Vice president, head of educational affairs

  • Katarina Davidsson as Vice president, head of student welfare matters

  • April Bäckström as Member of the Board

  • Nils Breding as Member of the Board

  • Felix Lantz as Member of the Board


The nomination committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

  • Member of the Board (2)

  • Novice Admiral (1)