Nominations for 22/23

Today the Nomination Committee present their nominations for the positions of trust for the operational year 2022/2023! The protocol, including the motivation texts, is available here (in Swedish).

The Representative Assembly will make their decision on the positions on May 10th. If you have not been nominated, or forgot to apply but are still interested in one of the positions, you can send in a counter candidacy by email to no later than May 3rd at 12 pm.

The Nomination Committee suggests:

  • Simon Martinsson as Novice Admiral

  • Simon Martinsson as Head of the Election Committee

  • Lisa Öhrnell as member of the Election Committee

  • Leonard Björnsson as member of the Career Committee

  • April Bäckström as Head of the Language Café Committee

  • Elin Borén as Member of the Student Welfare Committee

  • Felix Lantz as Head of the Festivities Committee

  • April Bäckström as Moon Base

  • Hugo Ahlander as Team Leader

  • Sofie Meurling as Activities Master

  • Carl-Johan Mellin as member of The Faculty Board for Humanities and Theology and the Working Committee of the Faculty Board

  • Anton Skäppegård as member of the Study Programmes Board

  • Emelie Olsson as member of the Study Programmes Board

  • Saber Malmgren as member of the Academic Appointments Board

  • Sonja Holmer as substitute of the Academic Appointments Board

The nominations committee suggests vacancy for the following positions:

Chairperson of the Representative Assembly (1+1)

Secretary of the Representative Council(1+1)

Member of the Election Committee (4)

Member of the Educational Committee (8)

Member of the Student Welfare Committee (7)

Member of the Language CaféCommittee (8)

Head of the Career Committee (1)

Member of the Career Committee (7)

Member of the Festivities Committee (8)

Graphic designer (1)

Members of the Lunar Committee (5)

Game Master (1)

Members of the Constitutional Council (2)

Operations Auditor (1+1)

Financial Auditor (1)

the Board for Third-Cycle Studies (1)

Syllabus Reviewer (2)

LUS Moot (1+1)

LUS nomination committee (1+1)

The Head Board of AF (1+1)

the Scholarship Board of AF (2, humanities + theology representatives)

TRF Assembly (1+1)