The Nominations Committee present their nominations for RA meeting II

The Nomination Committee presents their nominations before the representative assembly meeting 2 on the 14th of October.

The Nomination Committee suggests:

  • Leonard Björnsson for the Career Committee

  • Lisa Öhrnell for the Career Committee

  • vacancy for the the remaining posts in the Career Committee (4)

You can find the full minutes for the Nominations Committee here. You can send in your counter-candidacy by sending an email to no later than the 6th of October.

You can also run for our other vacant positions of trust. The following positions has vacancies:

Board member (1 vacancy)

Member of the Committee of Café Multilingua (5)

Member of the Lunar Committee (2)

Member of the Committee of Educational Affairs (5)

Member of the Student Welfare Committee (5)

Member of the Electoral Committee (4)

Member of the Nomination Committee (2)

Vice-chairperson of the Representative Assembly (1)

Vice-secretary of the Representative Assembly (1)

Representative in LUS Nomination Committee (1)

Substitute student representative of the Teacher Proposal Board (1)

Substitute Operations Auditor (1)

Candidacies to the position of board member are sent to the Nomination Committee at with a personal letter. Counter-candidacies for the other positions are sent to the Union President,, no later than the 6th of October, to be held at the representative assembly meeting on the 14th of October.